Justin (J. Robert) Kinney is an award-winning author in mystery/suspense fiction, with three novels published under the penname J. Robert Kinney. Precipice debuted in 2016, followed by Splintered State in 2018 and Ring of Conspiracy in 2020. The last two are part of an ongoing trilogy, the finale of which he is currently in the process of writing. Splintered State was a Semifinalist for the ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition and Ring of Conspiracy was recently named the winner of the 2021 Silver Falchion Award for Best Suspense Novel of 2020. As part of his author career, Justin has spoken at Killer Nashville International Writers Conference on various topics, including writing action/conflict, constructing international crime/mystery plots, forensic misconceptions, and weapons of mass destruction.
Justin has a PhD in Political Science from the University of Tennessee, where he specialized in International Relations, with a focus on Terrorism Studies. He specializes in radicalization and recruitment, security studies, psychology of extremism, conflict studies, civil war, and online recruitment/radicalization. His research has been published in International Interactions, but his doctoral dissertation on terrorist organizations and their usage of social media for recruiting and radicalizing new members was his most recent piece of published work.
Before landing in Knoxville to pursue his doctorate, Justin previously earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Duke University in Psychology, with an emphasis on human personalities. He then went on to earn a Master of Science from George Washington University in Forensic Science--Crime Scene Investigation. He has worked in DC public policy, taught university courses, performed research for a government contractor, and given lectures at a DC museum.
Justin is an author, analyst, researcher, speaker, and teacher, but when he's not writing, working, hosting an international politics podcast called Nutshell Politics, cheering on Duke basketball, competing in pick-up sporting events or trivia nights with friends, or appearing as a contributor on KLRNRadio, you can usually find him active in his local church and his community.